Steve and Chrissie have been married over 30 years and have 4 adult children. Steve works full-time, in marketing, and is a qualified and practising Christian Counsellor and a qualified Mental Health First Aider. Steve is an occasional preacher who is particularly passionate about intentional men’s ministry and organises regular breakfasts, curry nights and an annual weekend away. Chrissie is a nurse, currently, supporting the needs of the homeless and those struggling with the impact of addiction, a role she is passionate about as part of overall desire to show the love of Jesus to the lost, the last and the least.
Steve and Chrissie have worshipped in the same church, Coastline Vineyard, for over 21 years. They both both love prayer ministry, supporting marriages (including marriage prep) and caring for people, generally. 2016 to 2018, Steve and Chrissie initiated and oversaw the Church’s first Pastoral Care Team. 2022 to 2023, they recruited, trained and now oversee the church’s first Prayer Ministry Team. Steve and Chrissie have also led house groups for a number of years. Cause to Live For is a national Vineyard Churches event for around 1,000 young adults; Steve and Chrissie were part of the Prayer Ministry Team in 2017 and have led the team since 2018.