Malc and Trish Morgan have been in ministry for many years. Sometimes they have served together in leadership of churches and most recently co pioneered a church plant in Evia Greece until 2022.
Malcolm now is the senior associate minister of St Andrews community church Bath, UK. and Trish continues to be involved in worship teams and speaking at various events as well as at her home church.
They have 2 grown up children who now have blessed them with 4 young grandchildren.
From their start in the fulltime Christian band heartbeat in the 1980s they have weaved a glorious pattern of serving God across continents and nations. Trish recently wrote a book ‘ Higher heights, deeper seas’ available on Amazon detailing their adventures in God , a song of the same title was recorded and is available on Spotify, I tunes and all social media platforms! They will both minister the weeks they are serving with Richmond and hope they can inspire those listening to follow Jesus with a passion wherever He may lead.