Ministry Leaders

Ruth Perrin

29 Jun 2023


13 Jul 2023

Dr Ruth Perrin has been involved in mission and ministry for over 25 years. Based in Durham, she is associate staff at King’s Church Durham but also speaks widely nationally and internationally. As well as being a Bible teacher and trainer she is a qualitative researcher and has published several books and articles on young adult faith.

Her particular passions are helping young adults explore God’s plans for their future, but she is also a Bible nerd (who coined the phrase Levititastic!) and is currently exploring what we might all learn about rest and sabbath regardless of our life stage during these challenging times!

Ruth has been a ministry leader with Richmond several times and enjoys getting to know all sorts of people. She enjoys gardening, movies, travel and throwing epic dinner parties.

Ruth will be joined from 29 June to 06 July by Dr Liz Graveling, a good friend and colleague, who works as a researcher for the Church of England and is an experienced preacher. From 06 – 13 July, Ruth will be joined by Hannah Rich. A Durham University alumni, Hannah works for Theos Think Tank and is an experienced speaker and writer.